Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Remember that time we were going to blog about our move?

I just realized it's been a month and a half since either of us (who are we updated this blog and seeing as how the whole point of it was to chronicle our journey as we uprooted our lives and moved across the country and that we've already made the entire move without chronicling much of any of it, well, it's pretty sad and pathetic.  But alas, here I am.  And here is an update.

I last posted here on February 8 while we were still on the road out to LA the first time to find a place.  Here's the Cliff Notes version of what's happened since:

Got to LA.  Found a house we loved.  Deposit was too expensive.  Found a townhouse we loved.  Debated between the two, ended up with the townhouse.  Hung out in LA for another couple of days then flew back to Birmingham.  Went back to work.  Had a kick ass going away party at Rojo.  Said some sad goodbyes.  Packed up a 22 foot UHaul.  Alex & his dad left in the truck on Saturday, my mom and I left the next day.  Drove cross-country for the second time in a month.  Got to LA on a Tuesday.  Fast forward 2 weeks later and that brings us to the present.

Now, there are other things that have happened in between.  I went to Vegas with my mom last week and thankfully didn't lose all my money.  She hadn't ever been before so it was a must on her list before she went home.  She stayed a full week and a half after we got here so I've pretty much spent these first 2 weeks doing touristy things so I'm just now really beginning to feel like I actually live here.  Our place is slowly but surely getting put together and unpacked.  I really like the place a lot.  I know there are things Alex doesn't like about it, and there are a few things I would've done differently, but overall I really am happy with our choice.

Speaking of our place..our building managers are some piece of work.  It's a husband and wife who manage the building.  We were originally told that the wife was our contact, but every time I've called, which, by the way, is already more than I ever had to call our landlord in Birmingham, I've always had to deal with the husband because the wife is never there.  Not a big deal really, but he sounds stoned as hell every time you get him on the phone so I just get a lot of long pauses and "uh's" and "um's" so I don't really feel confident that we'll ever get everything done that we need.  For example, we only have 1 key to our building.  Meaning if one of us leaves with the key, the other person can't get into the parking garage at all.  Meaning if one of us is gone and the other has to walk out of the building, we're screwed.  We've tried to get a copy but have been told by 2 different people that we need to take it to a locksmith.  So, I call up my good ol' building manager who tells me that they're waiting on more copies to be delivered and it should be Monday at the latest.  It's now 1am on Wednesday morning and we have yet to see a second copy of the key.  We also have an entry system for visitors to get in the building.  I asked about that at the same time I asked about the key and was told that someone would call me back about it.  Have they?  Nope.  Nada.

All this brings me to today.  We bought a washer & dryer last week and had it scheduled to be delivered today.  We had to sell the one we had in Birmingham because there's only room for a stackable unit here, so we had to find one here.  The delivery guys show up this morning (15 minutes earlier than their earliest delivery time, by the way.  First time I've ever had delivery guys be early) and they're busy working away when suddenly they come down to tell us that there wasn't a power outlet.  Um, excuse me? power outlet.  Just a metal plate with live wires behind it.  Now, in California not all buildings have individual water metering, meaning the meter is for the entire building, not individual units.  Because of this, water is included in our rent; however, if you have a washer & dryer you have to pay a little extra per month to cover the cost of the extra water you're using.  To deter you from getting a w/d and not tell them, they remove the power outlets.  Ok, fine...except someone should've told us this when we told them we'd definitely be wanting to have our own washer/dryer.  So here we are with delivery guys ready to install everything, but no way to install it.  They tell us we need to call an electrician.  Great.  I call the good ol' building manager again.  Mr. Spacey has no idea what I'm talking about or why there's no power outlet but to my amazement manages to get me an appointment for an electrician to come out on Thursday.  So now we have two very heavy, bulky paperweights sitting in our hallway for another 2 days.  I've been told this is pretty normal for the LA rental market though so I guess I just will have to sigh and grit my teeth.

Let's see...what else?  Ah!  We've already been in a car accident.  Thankfully we weren't in either of our cars.  Our friends Amanda and Eric had picked us up to go see a movie in Hollywood and this girl rear-ended us. Alex and I both hit our heads on the head rests and I think we all had a bit of a headache for a while, but the good news is that there was no damage to either car, nobody was really hurt and we still made our movie with 6 minutes to spare.  Welcome to LA, right?

Some things I love so far:  Being able to actually WALK to things.  Alex and I walked over to this little chinese restaurant about a mile away the other night.  It's just so nice to not have to drive everywhere and to be close enough to walk to the store if we needed to.  I mean, Whole Foods is on our same block.  Also, the weather has been pretty fantastic this week.  That alone is reason enough to stay here.

That's really about all I have for now.  We're still looking for jobs so please everyone say some prayers and send good employment finding vibes our way.  We have some leads but nothing concrete yet.  Maybe Alex will actually update this thing now that he's unemployed.  Eh?


  1. Everything sounds good except the Whole Foods thing... don't shop there. Their founder and CEO is using his position to try and kill decent health care in this country: Makes me sad, I used to like the store.

  2. Luckily I can't afford to shop at Whole Foods often. We haven't been there yet, if it makes you feel better.
